Monday, March 30, 2009

Where to go to stop suicide

If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, there are places you can go to for help. One place you can call is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They help people who call asking for help preventing a suicide and also help people that want help with mental health. They have more than 130 centers all over the country and callers are sent to the nearest center in the area they are in. Their number is 1-800-273-TALK(8255).

Another place to ask for help is the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education or SAVE. For 20 years they have gathered volunteers to help people realize that suicide is wrong. They teach people about what suicide is and get people to realize that it shouldn't be kept a secret. They also work with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Warning Signs and Risk Factors

There is a difference between a warning sign and a risk factor to a threat. A warning sign would be a sign about something that could happen but there is enough time to stop it from happening. A risk factor is how someone might want to do something bad like suicide.

Warning signs of suicide could be that they are always talking about death, changing there will or calling people so they can say goodbye. Most signs are being depressed and also doing things that could kill them like running through traffic.

There are also plenty of risk factors to suicide. They could be people in their family tree could have committed suicide, having tried to commit it before, or keeping a weapon or firearm with them. They could also be abused at home or have mental differences.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wrestling and Skin Disease

On March 12, the Grand Rapids Press had a story about a high school wrestler got disqualified because doctors thought that a dark spot on his chest was a skin disease. It was really a condition called hyperpigmentation, a condition that causes an area of skin that is darker than the surrounding skin. He was wrestling the whole season with the spot but was only disqualified for the championship fight. The officials went around the rules that say wrestlers don't need doctors to check the wrestlers before a match. If the spot isn't a skin disease and wrestled with it all season, I think he should have been allowed to continue.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What to stay away from

There are certain things that could be harmful to your health that people are around every day. They are UV light, asbestos, pesticides, and dirty air and water. UV lights are the rays that come from the sun. People use them to go suntanning during the summer. These lights can cause cancer, eye damage from looking at it for too long, they can break some connections in DNA because the DNA absorbs them, and they can also damage ocean life. People can avoid UV lights by putting on sunscreen at the beach and not tan for so long.

Asbestos are mineral that is found on almost every country. They are only dangerous when they break apart and float to the air. If they get inside your body they can cause tumors on the lungs, abdomen, and heart. Asbestos can be avoided by being careful when dealing with them so they don't break. Pesticides are a mixture of substances that people use to get rid of pests like bugs. They are dangerous because they can kill anything including humans. Pesticide cans could have warning labels put on them so they can be less of a risk.

Air and water are good for you because they help us stay alive. They get bad for you when people put gas in the air and trash in the ocean. Gas in the air can make it very hard to breathe. Trash in the ocean can make marine life sick and damage the water that comes out of sinks and showers. People are protesting about buildings and cars that use a lot of gas, and are trying to get people to find ways to places that doesn't use so much gas. There are also laws that say people can't throw their trash into the water.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Preventing diseases

The website, says that there are ways to prevent diseases so you can stay healthy. You should wash your hands a lot during flu season after doing things like using the bathroom and blowing your nose, sneezing, and coughing, keep food refrigerated, wash fruits and vegetables, and wash beef until it isn't pink anymore. It also says you should use medicines the exact way the bottle says you should.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why sleep is important

In health class we had to find out how much sleep is needed and why its important. Some reasons that sleeping is good for you are that lack of sleep puts you in a bad mood, causes a lot of stress, it can cause you to gain weight and it can help you remember things that could be useful for the next day like a test.

Friday, March 6, 2009


We are finishing up the safety lesson in health class, but before we do we have to wet a goal. My goal is to not be a bully and to try to stay away from violence. This way I will stay in less trouble and not have the police try to send me to jail.